Hospitalisation Authorisation Procedure
Hospitalisation Authorisation Procedure
Members have to obtain authorisation from Case Management for any planned hospital admission or procedure in a hospital, at least two (2) days prior to being admitted to hospital. In case of emergency admissions, authorisation has to be obtained within 24-hours or on the first working day after the emergency.
In the event of emergency treatment or admission to hospital over a weekend, public holiday or outside normal working hours, you must contact the Scheme for authorisation on the first working day after the incident. If you do not obtain authorisation for a planned event, or fail to authorise hospital treatment on the first working day after an emergency event, your claim may be rejected for payment. Any admission or outpatient visit to a hospital, must be authorised.
If your hospital stay is longer than expected
Any additional days in hospital, multiple procedures or additional services require further authorisation or motivation. Please arrange that your doctor, the hospital case manager or a family member, inform the Scheme of the extended length of stay. If there is a clinical reason for the extended stay, the Scheme will approve the extra days. If not, the member will be responsible for the cost for the non-approved days and treatment.
Once the authorisation request has been approved, you will receive the following information:
- The unique authorisation number
- The approved dependant
- The approved supplier
- The initial length of stay
- The status of all the codes (whether approved or rejected in accordance with the Scheme Rules)
PlatComprehensive and PlatCap members
- Member has to consult the General Practitioner (GP)/Specialist with a specific condition/problem and the specialist referral process has to be followed.
- The GP/Specialist completes a request for admission and gives it to the member. The member should use this request to obtain authorisation for the hospital admission from Case Management.
- The hospital authorisation request from the GP/Specialist should contain the following detail:
- The patient’s
- Name
- Date of birth
- Medical scheme number
- Contact details
- The hospital details and practice number
- The admitting/treating GP/specialist’s details and practice number
- Admission date
- Diagnosis
- ICD 10 code
- Tariff code(s)/procedure code(s)
- Case Management evaluates the reffering request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and authorises the admission.
- Member receives an authorisation number via SMS, email, telephone or from Platinum Health facility.
- Hospital authorisation request/pre-admission documents need to be send or taken to the hospital before admission date. This is to ensure pre-admission documentation is completed and captured on the hospital system to ensure problem-free admission.
- Member to supply the authorisation number to the hospital.
- Case Management evaluates the reffering request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and authorises the admission.
- Member receives an authorisation number via SMS, email, telephone or from Platinum Health facility.
- Hospital authorisation request/pre-admission documents need to be send or taken to the hospital before admission date. This is to ensure pre-admission documentation is completed and captured on the hospital system to ensure problem-free admission.
- Member to supply the authorisation number to the hospital.
PlatComprehensive and PlatCap members
- Member has to consult the GP/Specialist with a specific condition/problem and the specialist referral process has to be followed.
- The General Practitioner/Specialist completes a request for admission and gives it to the member. The member should use this request to obtain authorisation for the hospital admission from Case Management.
- The hospital authorisation request from the GP/Specialist should contain the following detail:
- The patient’s
- Name
- Date of birth
- Medical scheme number
- Contact details
- The hospital details and practice number
- The admitting/treating GP/specialist’s details and practice number
- Admission date
- Diagnosis
- ICD 10 code
- Tariff code(s)/procedure(s)
- Case Management evaluates the reffering request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and authorises the admission.
- Member receives an authorisation number via SMS, email, telephone or from Platinum Health facility.
- Hospital authorisation request/pre-admission documents need to be send or taken to the hospital before admission date. This is to ensure pre-admission documentation is completed and captured on the hospital system to ensure problem-free admission.
- Member to supply the authorisation number to the hospital.
- Subject to clinical protocol approval.
- Case Management evaluates the referring request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and rejects hospital admission.
- Member receives notification via SMS, email, telephone or from Platinum Health facility; stating the reason why the authorisation request was declined.
- Members can contact Case Management and Platinum Health facilities at their sites with regards to follow-up queries
After-hours hospitalisation admissions should be arranged with the Case Manager on call and all related documentation submitted to Case Management on the first working day after the hospital admission.
PlatFreedom members
- The GP/specialist completes a request for admission and gives it to the member. The member should use this request to obtain authorisation for the hospital admission from Case Management. Please take not that pre-authorisation for your hospital admission has to be obtained from the Scheme within two (2) days prior to your admission.
The hospital authorisation request from the GP/Specialist should contain the following detail:
- The patient’s
- Name
- Date of birth
- Medical scheme number
- Contact details
- The hospital details and practice number
- The admitting/treating GP/specialist’s details and practice number
- Admission date
- Diagnosis
- ICD 10 code
- Tariff code(s)/procedure(s)
- Case Management evaluates the reffering request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and authorises the admission.
- Member receives an authorisation number via SMS, email, or telephone.
Hospital authorisation request/pre-admission documents need to be sent or taken to the hospital before the admission date. This is to ensure pre-admission documentation is completed and captured on the hospital system to ensure problem free admission.
Member to supply the authorisation number to the hospital.
- Case Management evaluates the referring request with the assistance of the Medical Advisor and rejects hospital admission.
- Member receives notification via SMS, email, or telephone; stating the reason why the authorisation request was declined.
- Members can contact Case Management and Platinum Health facilities at their sites with regards to follow-up enquiries.
- Emergency admissions can be arranged telephonically between the referring GP/Specialist/Hospital and the responsible Case Manager, but; the documentation still needs to be finalised afterwards.
- After-hours hospital admissions should be arranged with the Case Manager on call and all related documentation to be submitted to Case Management on the first working day after the hospital admission.
After-hours and emergencies contact number may not be used for general account and membership queries.
014 590 1700 or 080 000 6942
082 800 8727
080 000 6942
Request authorisation for hospital admissions
Specialist authorisation:
Hospital pre-authorisation and authorisation:
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