Membership FAQ



Q Can anyone become a member of Platinum Health?
A No, Platinum Health is a restricted medical scheme.

Employers within in the platinum and chrome mining industries may join Platinum Health.

Q How can I prove to Platinum Health that I was a member of another Scheme?
A By submitting a membership certificate from previous medical scheme.

Q Who is a principal member?
A It is the main member registered on the Scheme.

Q Who qualifies as a dependant of the principal member? 
A Spouse
Common-law partner, Same-sex partner and Fiancé(e)
Father, mother, brother or sister
Foster/adopted children

Please note: Adding of dependants are subject to approval according to the Scheme Rules.
Contact Client Liaison who will assist you with adding a dependent.

Q Who does not qualify as a dependant of the principal member? 

Uncle or aunt, nephew or niece.
Ex-spouse or Ex-partner

For more information contact Client Liaison.

Q May I continue with my membership in case of retrenchment?
A In respect of retrenchments members are not permitted to continue being members of Platinum Health. Should employers wish to extend medical scheme membership of affected employees they can apply to the Platinum Health Board of Trustees for an extension in medical scheme membership of up to 3 months. Such application will only be considered if membership is extended to all affected employees, and contributions are payable in advance by employers.

Q May I continue with my membership in case of retirement or medial incapacitation (boarded)?
A Members may choose to remain on Platinum Health.

Q May I participate in the operation of Platinum Health?
A Yes, members are represented by member elected trustees.

Q May I belong to more than one Medical Scheme at the same time?
A No, it is not permitted by the Medical Schemes Act.

Q If a principal member passes away, will his/her dependants that were on Platinum Health at the time of death, still be covered?
A Yes, dependants need to apply with Platinum Health within 30 days of the deceased member’s death.

Types of waiting periods
There are 2 types of waiting periods: general waiting period and condition specific waiting period.

Q What are late joiner penalties?
A It is contribution penalties applied to late joiner adult dependants.

Q What do I need to do if my child goes to university?
A Inform Platinum Health of the child’s new address at university.
Submit proof of studies to Platinum Health annually for all children over 21 still studying


Q How do I update contact details?
A Contact the Client Liaison Call Centre on 014 591 6600, who will assist you with completing and submitting the required form.

Q What are prescribed minimum benefits (PMB’s)?
Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMB’s) are a set of defined benefits to ensure that all medical scheme members have access to certain minimum health services, regardless of the benefit option they have selected.
The aim is to provide people with continuous care to improve their health and well-being.
The Scheme can, however, apply clinical criteria and managed healthcare protocols to the PMB’s and stipulate that members make use of a designated service provider for PMB services.

Q Can I remain a member of Platinum Health after retirement?
A Yes, any member who is 55 years or older is entitled to remain a member of Platinum Health. Contact the Client Liaison office who will assist you in completing a new Membership Application form.


Has your phone number, address or e-mail changed?


A form should be completed and submitted to Client Liaison.
The form can be obtained from Client Liaison, or alternatively downloaded from

Need Assistance?
Contact the Client Liaison Call Centre on 014 591 6600 or 080 000 6942